Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cause sometimes it's better...

I did a lot of things today, though, I really was never that productive.
  1. I woke up way too late
  2. I didn't have breakfast (big deal to me)
  3. Went to Barnes and Noble to read
  4. Came home.
  5. Moved my usual work space to the fishbowl aka the sun room
  6. Read some more
  7. Watched the Bruins
  8. Bought some music
  9. Went to the K of C
  10. Doing this
So, as you can see not that productive but a busy enough day to where I was busy throughout. I have a couple complicated situations going on so I hope that they iron themselves out.

I bought the new U2 CD today. It's pretty good despite the fact that I hate the new single "Get on your boots." My favorite song as of right now is the second song on the CD, "Magnificent." There's an article in this week's time magazine about the band's new CD and how even the band finds it over-hyped. I really wanted to read it today but I just couldn't find time.

I read today that some members of the Sri Lankan (sp) cricket team were shot. What is this world even coming to when we have to shoot members of a sporting team that have nothing to do with what is going on in the world. Oh, maybe you should ask England back in 1916.

Speaking of awful things, my car was broken into and all my CD's were stolen except the random, but numerous ones that were hidden and not in the obvious black case.

John Hancock called me today. No, not the real Hancock, the company. The real guy is long dead. They want to call me and talk to me about a job that I applied for at the career fair. I don't even recall what it was for, I applied for so many. it would be nice if I got that job so I could move to Boston -- a place that I always wanted to move to.

St. Paddy's is coming up, that means the parade. Can't wait.

Going to bed early.
Working late tomorrow.

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