Friday, March 27, 2009


Drinking gets me depressed.

I have nothing else.

May 31. Countdown. Trust me I know exactly how many days.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Starting to move along

Ireland, by Jack Delaney is finally progressing. Despite the fact that 100 of 110 pages have been three stories that were supposedly told by a story teller in a boy, Ronan's, house.

Anyway, I'm going to read more before I head to sleep.

Ireland soon.
Thank christ.

Charlie bit me.


You ever see someone and you wonder to yourself how he/she got to where they are?

I saw a man with his two very young children in Friendly's late at night ... not too long ago. For some reason I felt bad for him. My first immediate thought was, "where was his wife, their mom?" Of course the worst possible scenarios entered my mind and for some reason I couldn't get past them.

By looking at the family of three, I could easily tell that they had no money and he was doing his best to try and make his kids happy (or that is what I liked to think at the time).

The father let his kids order their ice cream first. I found that interesting. From where I was sitting across the room I heard the kids demand their desert first and instead of saying "no," the Dad sat there for about 10 seconds without saying anything and surely said to himself "why not?"

Just another way, I thought, to make his kids happier. Despite how little or insignificant it was, it was that moment that he was thinking about.

I have nothing else right now.
I'll update tomorrow.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's been too long.

So, I haven't posted here in a while. I've been busy with the Collegian, failing a French test, getting the flu from my parents and reading about soccer.
Busy, eh?
Anyway, I'm glad that it's officially spring break for me. I need a break from everything.
You're probably asking yourself,
"wait, he only has one class and works only one night a week.."

That might be true, but the fact still remains that I worked two nights this week and I have been sick. So, this break will be taken with open arms
Hail Hail!
I feel like it's Friday. Don't ask.
Tonight my whole family is going to the Harp, including my grandparents. I'm looking forward to them seeing where I spent my Friday nights at school. Hopefully no douche college kids show up. That shouldn't happen, though, because basically everyone will be home for the break by tomorrow night.
Found one of the saddest songs ever today thanks for a Celtic forum: Aidan McAnespie.
You should listen.
I'm going to start Irish step dancing now that I know where to go.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cause sometimes it's better...

I did a lot of things today, though, I really was never that productive.
  1. I woke up way too late
  2. I didn't have breakfast (big deal to me)
  3. Went to Barnes and Noble to read
  4. Came home.
  5. Moved my usual work space to the fishbowl aka the sun room
  6. Read some more
  7. Watched the Bruins
  8. Bought some music
  9. Went to the K of C
  10. Doing this
So, as you can see not that productive but a busy enough day to where I was busy throughout. I have a couple complicated situations going on so I hope that they iron themselves out.

I bought the new U2 CD today. It's pretty good despite the fact that I hate the new single "Get on your boots." My favorite song as of right now is the second song on the CD, "Magnificent." There's an article in this week's time magazine about the band's new CD and how even the band finds it over-hyped. I really wanted to read it today but I just couldn't find time.

I read today that some members of the Sri Lankan (sp) cricket team were shot. What is this world even coming to when we have to shoot members of a sporting team that have nothing to do with what is going on in the world. Oh, maybe you should ask England back in 1916.

Speaking of awful things, my car was broken into and all my CD's were stolen except the random, but numerous ones that were hidden and not in the obvious black case.

John Hancock called me today. No, not the real Hancock, the company. The real guy is long dead. They want to call me and talk to me about a job that I applied for at the career fair. I don't even recall what it was for, I applied for so many. it would be nice if I got that job so I could move to Boston -- a place that I always wanted to move to.

St. Paddy's is coming up, that means the parade. Can't wait.

Going to bed early.
Working late tomorrow.


I want to be here.

Premier post

This is my first post and it's pretty exciting, well, to me. It was a snow day today and I didn't really do anything but watch movies at Rob's house and read.

One of the movies we watched was American Pie 2. While we (Rob, Luke and myself) were watching it all we could say was that every single party in that movie was quite fake -- those parties just don't happen; or if they do, then they are located in another state and not Mass.

Lately I've been reading Kevin's twitter account and his review of the new Kevin Devine album is very good. Needless to say I'm looking forward to that.

I started reading the book Ireland by Jack Delaney and so far it's quite interesting. It's funny how I find it so hard to start reading but when I actually pick up a book and read page after page I get wrapped in the story and I almost read it as if I'm the main character in the book (unless it's a girl of course). I'm only about 25 pages in but it has me hooked. I look forward to waking up in the morning and continuing the storytelling.

In an effort to try and get people to read this I'll have a video of the day.
Till next time...

Fields of Athenry